Sindhi Story: “Parveen”

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Creative Commons License
Sindhi Story: “Parveen” by Qamar Din M. Hayat Soomro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

About Qamar Din M. Hayat Soomro

Research Scholar M.A. Philosophy M.A. English University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan.
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2 Responses to Sindhi Story: “Parveen”

  1. shakila jilani چئي ٿو:

    Good day Sir,
    The correction that i recommend is as follows.
    I think instead of ‘Ahey’ it should be ‘Ahyan’.
    If i m wrong in my suggestion please correct me.

    • Blessing, I am very grateful to you for correction suggested by you. Please guide me again in view of the last sentence where Parveen relates that her mother gives the money (not she) to the seam-mistress in time. So will it be ‘ deendi ahay’ or ‘ deendi ahyan.’ Please do forgive me for troubling you again if I am mistaken. With all the best wishes, Qamar.

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